I am an Associate Professor (program AIM: Attraction and International Mobility) at the Department of Computer Science, University of Salerno, Italy.
In 2015-2019, I was Senior Researcher at TU Berlin, working with Prof. Ben Juurlink and leading as PI the DFG-funded international project CELERITY.
From 2011 to 2015, I was a Post-Doctoral Researcher at the University of Innsbruck, Austria, working with Prof. Thomas Fahringer, contributing to the Insieme Compiler project and the DK-CIM program at the Scientific Computing multidisciplinary platform.
I received my Ph.D. from the University of Salerno in March 2011, supervised by Prof. Vittorio Scarano. There, I was the recipient of several grants and scholarships (HPC-Europa2, HPC-Europa++, DAAD, Cineca ISCRA) and I visited both the HLRS Supercomputing Center and the University of Stuttgart under the supervision of Prof. Carsten Dachsbacher and by Prof. Thomas Ertl.
My research interests include high-performance computing, compiler technology, and software optimization.
News- 2-4 Dec, 2024: SYCL Hackathon at CINECA
- Oct 10, 2024: Webinar at CINECA on Heterogeneous computing with SYCL & oneAPI on CINECA's Leonardo
- 25-27 Sept, 2024: Invited talk at XX ICAR CNR Workshop in Sicily
- 18 Sep 2024: presenting at the Workshop Scientific HPC in the pre-Exascale era in the 3rd Italian Conference on Big Data and Data Science (ITADATA) in Pisa, Italy
- June 3, 2024: Invited keynote presentation at the Workshop on Performance and Energy Efficiency in Concurrent and Distributed Systems (PECS) in Pisa, colocated with HPDC 2024
- My talk on Energy-Efficient Heterogenous Computing with SYNERGY presented at the oneAPI DevSummit for AI and HPC 2023 is now online
- Nov 28, 2023: I will give a talk at La Maison de la Simulation in Paris Saclay on Modern C++ for Distributed, Approximate and Energy-Efficient Computing
- Nov 11-17, 2023: I will be at SC in Denver presenting a paper at the SHiPS Workshop and attending our SYNERGY paper presentation by Kaijie Fan
- Oct 24-25, 2023: I will give two presentations at the Intel oneAPI Workshop at Cyfronet in Krakow
- August 29, 2023: I will give a tutorial about SYCL, Celerity and Synergy at Euro-Par 23 in Limassol, Cyprus
- July 2023: New PRIN project (Projects of national interest) funded by the Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research
- July 2023: New paper accepted to SuperComputing 2023
- June 29th, 2023: Invited talk at CINECA on Modern C++ for High-Performance Computing
- March 2023: Two new papers accepted for CCGrid 2023 on EMPI and on the new Celerity runtime
- November 2022: Best Paper Award at the 14th BenchCouncil International Symposium on Benchmarking, Measuring and Optimizing for our paper on MPI performance variability on DragonFly+ networks
- October 21, 2022: Hounoured to give an invited talk at TU Hamburg titled Portable Heterogeneous Programming for the Computing Continuum.
- September 27, 2022: I have been elevated to the grade of Senior Member of the IEEE
- July 2022: HiPEAC Info Magazine 66 features an interview with me and Peter Thoman about about Open Source, SYCL, and our experience in developing Celerity
- June 3, 2022: I have been recognized by the Association for Computing Machinery as a ACM Senior Member
- New publications at IWOCL 22 and Computing Frontiers 22
- In the media: podcast interview by Gabriella Bernardi about how we use SYCL/Celerity in LIGATE and our article on why HPC is a key strategic area for Italy in Agenda Digitale (in Italian)
- I have been invited to present Celerity at the Intel Developer Summit on Apr 29. Here you can see the video recording
- Feb 2021: SYCL 2020 Specification have been released!
- Happy to announce that, starting from Jan 1 2021, we will start the new European project LIGATE (EuroHPC)
- Nov 2020: I received the (German) Habilitation from TU Berlin
[2023-25] Principal Investigator of the PRIN 2022 project LibreRT: Portable Heterogenous Real-time Programming for the Embedded Computing Continuum, with the Politecnico di Milano
[2021-24] Unit leader in the EuroHPC project LIGATE: LIgand Generator and portable drug discovery platform AT Exascale. Leader Dompe srl, partners POLIMI, CINECA, KTH, University of Salerno, University of Innsbruck, University of Basel, TU Ostrava, E4, Chelonia, tofmotion. Funding UNISA (EU+MISE) 463 750 euro, project overall 5 938 656 euro.
[2017-20] Principal Investigator of the DFG project CELERITY: advanCed modELing for scalablE distRIbuted runTime sYstems, an international DACH project between TU Berlin and the University of Innsbruck. Funding TU Berlin (DFG) 413 230 euro, overall (DFG+FWF) 698 000 euro.
[2011-13] Work Package coordinator of the project Automatic Portable Performance for Heterogeneous Multi-cores, Austrian Science Fund (FWF) TRP 220-N23, P.I. Prof. Thomas Fahringer.
- Track Chair: Euro-Par 2023 (Track 1. Programming, Compilers and Performance)
- Program Committee: ICS 2024, ISC 2024, HiPC 2024, 2023, ICPP 2024, CF 2024, HLPP 2024, IWOCL 2024, SC 2023 (Programming Frameworks and System Software Track), Hetero-Par 2023, Euro-Par 2023.
- Editorial Board: Journal FGCS Special Issue: On the Road to Exascale II
- Artifact Evaluation Chair/Co-chair: IA3 2021-23, CF 2021-23
- Senior Member of ACM and IEEE, Member of SIGHPC, ACM-W, and HiPEAC
- Member of the CINI HPC Lab HPC: Key Technologies and Tools
- Member of Khronos Group and SYCL Working Group
- [CCGrid23a] Salzmann, Knorr, Thoman, Gschwandtner, Cosenza, Fahringer An Asynchronous Dataflow-Driven Execution Model For Distributed Accelerator Computing CCGrid 2023
- [Euro-Par19] Thoman, Salzmann, Cosenza, Fahringer Celerity: High-Level C++ for Accelerator Clusters Euro-Par 2019: 291-303 (acc.rate: 25.3%)
- [ICS13] Grasso, Pellegrini, Cosenza, Fahringer libwater: Heterogeneous distributed computing made easy ICS 2013: 161-172 (acc.rate: 21%)
- [CCGrid23b] Salimi Beni, Crisci, Cosenza EMPI: Enhanced Message Passing Interface in Modern C++ CCGrid 2023
- [ICPP19] Fan, Cosenza, Juurlink. Predictable GPUs Frequency Scaling for Energy and Performance ICPP 2019: 52:1-52:10 (acc.rate: 26.2%)
- [IPDPS17] Cosenza, Durillo, Ermon, Juurlink. Autotuning Stencil Computations with Structural Ordinal Regression Learning IPDPS 2017: 287-296 (acc.rate: 22%)
- [ICS13] Kofler, Grasso, Cosenza, Fahringer. An automatic input-sensitive approach for heterogeneous task partitioning ICS 2013: 149-160 (acc.rate: 21%)
- [CGO18] Maier, Cosenza, Juurlink. Local Memory-Aware Kernel Perforation CGO 2018: 278-287 (acc.rate: 28.6%)
- [MASCOTS19] Pohl, Cosenza, Juurlink. Portable Cost Modeling for Auto-Vectorizers MASCOTS 2019: 359-369 (acc.rate: 23.8%)
- [SCOPES18] Pohl, Cosenza, Juurlink. Control Flow Vectorization for ARM NEON SCOPES 2018: 66-75
- Programmazione Distribuita (AA 2022-23, 2021-22)
- High Performance Computing (AA 2021-22, 2020-21)
- Programmazione & Strutture Date (AA 2020-21)
- Programming Models for Parallel Heterogenous Architectures (CS PhD course, 2020-21)
- Ad Hoc Networks (AA 2020-21)
- Compiler Design (WS 2019-20, WS 2017-18, WS 2016-17, WS 2015-16)
- Avanced Computer Architecture, lab (SoSe 2018, SoSe 2017, SoSe 2016)
- AES Seminars (WS 2015, WS 2016, WS 2017, WS 2018)
- Recent Advances in Computer Architectures (WS 2017-18, WS 2018-19)